
Goldeye XSWIR 扩展型短波红外相机

灵敏度扩展至2.2 µm的Goldeye扩展型短波红外相机


我们全新推出的 Goldeye XSWIR 扩展型短波红外相机可以超高量子效率检测出高达1.9 μm或2.2 μm波长光谱。相机内置二级传感器冷却(TEC2)及多项板载图像校正功能,有助以优异的画质还原特殊光谱特征。

Goldeye XSWIR 相机可揭示1.7 μm以上波长范围内的材料特性。通过进一步提升感应红外光谱范围,可检测到更多独特的光谱特征,以更好地鉴别不同材料。对于分拣或复合材料浓度测定应用,这一功能尤具价值。

Goldeye extended SWIR cameras

Goldeye XSWIR cameras feature extended range lnGaAs sensors with VGA and QVGA resolution sensitive in the wavelength range from 1.1 μm to 1.9 μm or 1.2 µm to 2.2 µm. The already fast speed of the sensors can be further increased by applying the multi-line readout feature. For example: In combination with a spectrometer, it is possible to select only the relevant wavebands and to accelerate the image processing. The integrated dual-stage sensor cooling (TEC2) enables to cool down the sensors bei 60 °C vs. the housing temperature to reduce noise and improve overall sensor performance.  All models are available with standardized GigE Vision or Camera Link Interface.

Click on the play button below to watch the preview.

To learn more about

  • Seeing beyond the visible
  • Spectral ranges of sensors
  • XSWIR sensor technologies
  • Goldeye XSWIR advanced features 

register for the whole presentation.

Extended SWIR applications


  •  空中遥感
  • 食品分拣
  •  水含量(湿度)检测
  •  激光束分析
  •  制药过程控制
  •  生物成像中的细胞分析
  •  视觉增强
  •  其他应用...

了解更多关于获奖的Goldeye XSWIR相机:

Goldeye XSWIR Flyer (English)    


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